Welcome to my homepage!

Greetings! :)

My name is Siyuan Liang and I was born in Xi’an, China in 1999. You can also call me Kyrie if you like.

I joined Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2018, majoring in Electrical Engineering and Automation (elite class), and was awarded the Academic Elite Scholarship of 240,000 CNY. After 4 years of hard work, I finally got my bacholar’s degree and became an honorary graduate of Qian Xuesen’s college in 2022. In the same year, I was admitted to The Chinese University of Hong Kong and started my Ph.D career in the department of Computer Science and Engineering.

I am currently a Ph.D candidate co-supervised by Prof. Tsung-Yi Ho and Prof. Tsun-Ming Tseng (from TUM). My study interests include Design Automation, Microfluidics, Optimization, and Machine Learning. I will keep updating my academic news and publications in the corresponding pages. Beside researching, I am also responsible for some TA works, which are shown in the Teaching page. More details about me are shown in the CV page, please check it if you are interested.

Please feel free to contact me via E-mail if you have any questions or suggestions, I will try the best to reply timely.

It’s really nice to meet you, wish you have a lovely day!